Armería para mangos web I.

Buenas :) supongo que soy un adicto a mangos, hoy os traigo directamente desde el foro oficial de mangos, un copy&paste digno de mí xD

The World of Warcraft Armory

It is a vast searchable database of information for World of Warcraft - taken straight from the real servers and presented in a user-friendly interface. Since the Armory pulls its data from the actual game servers, it is the most comprehensive and up-to-date database on the characters, arena teams, guilds, and items of World of Warcraft in existence.

I would like to introduce you my project - WoWArmory. This is PHP-written engine, which allow you to show characters, guilds, items pages, etc. Supported languages: Russian (main), English and Spanish (in current state - limited).

- Works with 3.3.2 and 3.2.2a
- Character sheet
- Character achievements
- Character reputation
- Character talents
- Guild info
- Guild statistics
- Guild bank
- Arena ladder
- Arena team page
- Item info (with source, disenchanting, reagent, crafting info, etc.)
- Search page (characters, guilds, items, arena teams)
- Blizzlike design
- Talents & arena calculators
- Profile functions

- Switch to using XSLT instead of Smarty templates // Implemented, rev. 122
- Need to finish account functions to allow create character's bookmarks, manage rights to access guild bank, calendar (when it will be implemented in MaNGOS core). // Implemented, rev. 49
- Correct show achievement criterias & character reputation
- Item search filters support // Basic support added in rev. 82
- Make multi-realms support // Implemented, rev. 168
- 3D Model Viewer support // Implemented, rev. 101

Known bugs:
- Most JS-required operations are not working under Internet Explorer.
- Some itemset pieces & bonuses are not displayed in item-tooltip/item-info pages.
If you found some bug in PHP sources or if you have some advices, feel free to pm me or posting message here.

System requirements & installation:
1. Download sources from GitHub repository.
2. Read INSTALL file and follow all steps.
3. For 3D Viewer installation read 3DViewer_info.txt
Recommended browser: Opera 10.

ImagesHack gallery

Q.: Does 3D Model Viewer implemented?
A.: Yes, but it's not completed fully. Read 3DViewer_info.txt for more info.

Q.: Some achievement criterias are shown incorrectly.
A.: Read 'Known bugs' section. Working on it.

Q.: I have installed armory but when I open any page, it says 'DbVersion Error'.
A.: Upload all necessary updates from 'sql/updates' folder to you armory database.

I would like to thank these peoples: Chestr (aka DiSlord), SUPERGADGET, Fog (aka LordJZ), Arcano, FearX for code examples, help and support.

Armory is developed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, so you can do anything with this sources (but you must leave original author's copyrights and publish project under GNU/GPL license too).

RMDC original thread.

P.S.: if you running TC2 server or something else except MaNGOS, please do not post any bugreports here. WoWArmory supports MaNGOS ONLY!

Creador: Shadez


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